Print advert pre-production: blog tasks

 1) Plan your advertising campaign

Plan out your THREE adverts in the same way you did for your summer project. Plan the following:

1) What brand of health drink are you going to use? You can use an existing drink.
2) New slogan for the health drink (MUST be original - cannot be existing slogan): 
Water, the essence of life.
3) Main character(s) that will appear in your adverts: 
my friend
4) Main image 1: What will your first advert look like? 
someone drinking water and a bottle next to him
5) Main image 2: What will your second advert look like? 
giving water to charity and water being cleaned from dirty areas to reduce wastage
6) Main image 3: What will your third advert look like? Remember, they all need to be different images but part of the same campaign for the same health drink.

7) What will you use for the secondary image in each advert? This may be a product shot or similar. Remember, this needs to be three different images just like the main images. 

8) Who will be in your adverts?

9) Write the 70 words that will appear on each advert - this may be information about the product or the benefits that it will bring to the audience.

10) How will your adverts appeal to your 15-30 year old target audience? 

2) Sketch out your THREE adverts

Draw THREE sketches on plain A4 paper. Make sure you include all the minimum requirements of the brief - e.g. two images, 70 words of text etc.

3) Plan your photoshoot and mise-en-scene

What iconography or mise-en-scene are you including to ensure your audience understands your advert and the message you are trying to communicate? Plan your model, costume, make-up, props, lighting and setting. Will you take your photos in class using a studio set up (lighting and backdrop) or use a location outside of school?

This can be simply completed using your blog or Microsoft Word - the key aspect is to have planned all the critical details. Remember the mise-en-scene mnemonic: CLAMPS.

4) Write your shooting schedule 

Plan a shooting schedule for your photos and advert design over the next two weeks. Include when, where, who is required and what shots you will complete at each time/location. Again, this can be on Word or Excel or you could simply use your blog. The most important thing is that you've planned it!


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