OMO advert CSP blog tasks

 1) What year was the advert produced?

The advert was produced in 1955.

2) How were women represented in most adverts in the 1950s? Add as much detail to this answer as you can as these are the social, cultural and historical contexts we will need to write about in the exam.

Women were presented as house wives, cooking and cleaning for the family, the females are also presented to not have jobs and are inferior to a husband.

3) How does the heading message ('OMO makes whites bright') and the style of the text promote the product?

The slogan promotes the brand as the best in the market and shows its exactly what you want as it cleans your clothes thoroughly.

4) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the advert (CLAMPS): how is costume, make-up and placement of the model used to suggest women's role in society?

The costume is a housing fit. Shes wearing feminine make up. Shes in a cleaning stance which all contributes to female stereotypes. 

5) Why is a picture of the product added to the bottom right of the advert?

So they can recognise the product when they see it in the shops and shows how vibrant the colours.

6) What are the connotations of the chosen colours in this advert - red, white and blue?

its connotative in a uk flag which is important as it was after world war 2

7) How does the anchorage text use persuasive language to encourage the audience to buy the product? Give examples.

It has repetition to emphasise on how white and clean it can make your clothes. It also emphasises on how bright it can make your clothes which shows it isnt like no other and is the best in the market.

8) What representation of women can be found in this OMO advert? Make specific reference to the advert and discuss stereotypes.

The fact she is cleaning happily shows us she wants to be there which emphasise on how women like to clean. Also she has feminine makeup which shos us girls are meant to clean.

9) What is the preferred reading for this advert - what did the producers of the advert want the audience to think in 1955?

The producer of the advert wants us as a reader to think women want to clean which makes us want to give our house wives cleaning stuff to increase sales.

10) What is the oppositional reading for this advert - how might a modern audience respond to this text and the representation of women here?

The modern audience might respond and actually comment on how this increases stereotypes for women and boycott the brand so they dont think about being sexist again. This is powerful as it stops sales, the most important subject for any business. 


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