Radio 1 Launch CSP: blog tasks

 Historical, social and cultural contexts

1) What radio stations were offered by the BBC before 1967?

The light programme, the home service and the third programme

2) How was BBC radio reorganised in September 1967? What were the new stations that launched?

It turned into Radio 2, radio 3 and radio 4

3) What was pirate radio and why was it popular?

It was a service that was overseas but wasnt in UK so didnt have to abide to the rules allowing it to stream music 24/7

4) Why did pirate radio stop broadcasting in 1967?

The UK Government legalised against pirate radio stations making there broadcast illegal

5) How did the BBC attract young audiences to Radio 1 after pirate radio stations were closed down?

Many of the pirate station broadcasters then were employed by BBC Radio 1, thus bringing many of the their loyal listeners with them.

6) What was 'needle time' and why was it a problem for BBC Radio?

Needle time was created in the United Kingdom by the Musicians' Union and Phonographic Performance Limited to restrict the amount of recorded music that could be transmitted by the BBC during any 24-hour period. The number of hours per week allowed gradually increased over the years from below 30 hours in the 1950s.

7) How did BBC Radio 1 offer different content to previous BBC radio stations?

offering continuous popular music and making radio 2 easier to listen to.

8) Who was the first presenter for BBC Radio 1 and why did these new Radio 1 DJs cause upset initially at the traditional BBC?

It might have appealed to young listeners because of all the music hey used in the introduction which i predict was popular back then.

9) Listen to excerpts from the Tony Blackburn's first 1967 broadcast - how might it have appealed to young listeners?

It was very etner

10) What conventions did Tony Blackburn's radio show borrow from pirate radio - which made it very different to previous BBC radio content?

Audience and industry

1) What was the target audience for BBC Radio 1 in 1967?

BBC Radio 1 audience in 1967 was teenagers.

2) Why did Radio 1 initially struggle to attract young listeners?

Initially Radio struggled with getting young listeners because of pirate radio

3) What audience pleasures did Radio 1 offer listeners in 1967? (Use Blumler and Katz Uses and Gratifications theory).

Radio 1 offers surveillance from BBC Radio 1 as it keeps it listeners informed on current day music.

4) How is the BBC funded?

BBC is funded by how much the UK charges for a TV license.

5) Applying Stuart Hall's Reception theory, what would the preferred and oppositional readings have been for BBC Radio 1 in 1967? 

The preferred reading is that the music they play is the newest and most popular music made for young people.The oppositional reading is that all young people listen to there music.


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